Manuela Lerch

Underwear and beach fashion that simply feel good - and that in all regards. With this goal in sight, Manuela Lerch opened her shop in Lebzeltergasse in 2013 and with that the door to the world of well-being for many ladies.
At least when it comes to the own body: “It doesn’t matter what cup size or hip girth you have! Beautiful underwear not only flatters the figure, but also the mood”, Manuela smiles convincingly.

The Mittersill native who loves all things beautiful is taken by underwear, nightwear and loungewear. The loving way with which she caresses the fine materials and presents her goods bears testimony to the appreciation of her carefully selected pieces. Arranged by colour and size, bathrobes, nightgowns and lingerie attract seductive looks. Touching, feeling, trying on and personal advice – that’s what her customers highly appreciate. “We always try our best to meet our customers’ requirements to 100%. This she does together with her co-worker Elke, who has been by her side from the very start.
Quality, personality and customer service are always at the forefront when doing so. This you can see and feel and in every garment that leaves the small but fine boutique with its happy owner. That’s how the business has built up a valued customer base over the years. Locals but also guests, ladies and gents let Manuela advise them in matters of fashion and for underneath. The being-served-personally, the close conversations and the joy after shopping locally are something her customers experience as an all-round shopping experience, which they do not want to miss out on when shopping.

Many more characters

Manuela Lerch is not the only one, there are many more individuals that make the region so unique and special. All other local heroes can be found at:

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